Hostel Rules

Hostel Rules: Terms and Conditions  Booklet for the Occupation Of A Room at our hostel

(1) Aves Housing, (HCA Number 4664), whose registered office is at 17 Bensham Manor Road Thornton Heath CR7 7AD, UK  (“The Landlord”) and

(2) The Licensee Of a room at the  hostel


  • Definitions and Interpretation

For all purposes of this agreement, the terms defined in this clause shall have the meanings specified.

      1. “The Furniture and Furnishings”

The “Furniture and Furnishings” means The Landlord’s furniture and furnishings used by the Licensee from time to time in the Room, in accordance with the latest inventory signed by The Landlord’s and the Licensee.

      1. “The Hostel”

”The Hostel” means the project referred to in your license agreement

      1. “The Licence”

”The Licence” means the license to occupy conferred by this agreement.

      1. “The Room”

”The Room” means the room or rooms in The Hostel that are from time to time allotted to The Licensee by The Landlord.

  • Our Commitment to You
        • We offer care, tenancy support (assistance with sustaining your tenancy) and supervision to each of our Clients.  That means:  At least once a week we are going to engage with you and make sure your room and the project you are living at is clean and everything is in working order.


        • We will help you to fill in any forms for Housing Benefit, Jobcentre, DWP, Crisis loan, Budgeting loan, Community Care Grant, etc.


        • We will make sure that you will be signed up with a local GP, dentist, optician and we will encourage you to join the local library and the local leisure centre.


        • In the first week, we will complete a risk assessment and develop a tailor-made tenancy support plan for you.  Tenancy support plans will be reviewed as determined.


        • Your mental and physical well-being will be monitored in our weekly wellbeing call.


        • Tenancy support will include providing help with budgeting and saving for moving on into more independent accommodation.


        • We will help you to get your own account with a Credit Union and develop your own strategy to save money on a weekly basis. This will be very helpful for you if you find your independent accommodation and you need financial backup.


        • We will suport your digital inclusion by: 1. Provide you with a mobile phone for a small deposit if requested. 2. Assist with setting up an Email Account. 3. Help with costs of internet and Wifi. 4 Provide access to our bank of computers for Job Search etc.


        • Other tenancy support may include life skills; advice and guidance, helping people develop social skills through house meetings and group interaction and help with budgeting for moving on into more independent accommodation and job searching.


      • If staff becomes aware of the use or supply of illicit drugs on the premises, we are obligated to take reasonable action to prevent this continuing. The police will be called should staff suspect any resident of any “Illegal activity”. Residents will be encouraged to engage with specialist agencies to address remaining issues around substance misuse.
  • Your Commitment to Us

By joining one of our projects you understand that you must adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this booklet and agree to meet the commitments outlined below.

        • You must keep your room and the project clean and tidy at all times.


        • You must inform the landlord (or the nominated house-representative) immediately if anything on the premises breaks down and/or needs fixing.


        • You must not use any unsafe appliances


        • You must dispose of all your rubbish properly in line with any guidelines and in the bins provided


        • You must report any internal problems between clients back to your tenancy support officer.  


        • The project will be visited on a regular basis (on average at least once a month) to maintain security and integrity for your safety.  Your room will be entered on these occasions to check on your wellbeing and ensure that you are complying with the terms of your occupancy.  Aves housing reserves its right to enter the property at any time to complete its checks and or monitor any causes for concerns around the property outlined.


        • You must ensure your rent is paid weekly in advance on the Monday of each week.   Where you are receiving help with your rent from housing benefit this may be reviewed accordingly


        • You must not produce, store, use or distribute illegal drugs anywhere in the building or on its premises.


        • You must not smoke anywhere in the building; the ban on smoking in public places came into effect on 26th March 2006. The law has been introduced to save lives and prevent illness caused by secondhand smoke. The law affects enclosed or substantially enclosed public places and premises including the work place which is designated “No Smoking Premises”. Clients and visitors are not allowed to smoke anywhere within the property. This includes previously designated smoking rooms. You could face a fixed penalty fine of £50 for Smoking in no smoking premises. If you smoke, are to do so outside. Staff will provide advice for any resident wishing to give up smoking. 


        • The consumption of alcohol is not allowed in any of our properties. The misuse of alcohol resulting in any anti-social behavior can lead to the Police being called and your Licence being terminated. Clients must engage with specialist agencies to address any issues around alcohol misuse. Failure to engage with specialist agencies or the consumption of alcohol in the property can lead to warnings followed by an NTQ.


        • You must live in the property and use the property as your main home, the property must be occupied for at least 4 full days per week, depending on your circumstances temporary absence from home may be arranged however you must inform us before the absence is taken otherwise it may be recorded as you’ve abandoned the property. You must ensure you do not smoke anywhere in the property/building


        • You must not sublet your property as this could result in termination of your license to occupy


        • You must inform us within 24 hours of any change of circumstances i.e. you start working, or you miss an appointment and or your benefits have been suspended or stopped


        • Guests.  Due to the nature of our projects Guest are only permitted over the age of 18 and between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm and must be accompanied at all times.


        • No overnight guests are allowed and Staff must be informed of any guests on premises.


        • You have to show us immediately any letters from the Housing Benefit Office or from the Jobcentre and make copies for our file (you will be reimbursed for any costs occurred).


        • You must engage with service and take up the services offered as these form an integral part of your tenancy


        • You have to make yourself contactable at all times it is a condition of this agreement that you engage with your tenancy sustainment worker and keep to appointments. (Depending on your circumstances when you first join we may be able to assist with the provision of 1 mobile phone to encourage this).


      • You must notify us if you are remanded in custody/prison or temporary absent from your home.   You must also arrange for storage or collection of your personal belongings as items left behind will be disposed of after 48 hours. If you are unable to arrange for removal within 48 hours we will attempt to contact you next of kin or who you have elected for us to contact in an emergecy.  Tenant Panel will decide how your items will be disposed of.  Valuable items (TV, Video, computer etc)  may be factory reset and disctributed to other clients in need. Other items may be given to charity shop.   GDPR items (Passport, Birth Cert, etc.) may be electronically archived and the hard copy destroyed.

If you do not comply with our project rules and services or fail to attend meetings you would be in breach of your Licence agreement and could lose your tenancy.

  • Nature of this Agreement
      1. This agreement is not intended to confer exclusive possession on The Licensee or to create the relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties. The Licensee shall not be entitled to a tenancy, or to an assured shorthold or assured tenancy, or to any statutory protection under the Housing Act 1988 or to any other statutory security of tenure now or upon the determination of the Licence.
  • Keys
        1. If the Licensee loses a key, only The Landlord will replace it upon the licensee paying the cost of having a replacement cut (currently a minimum charge of £5.00) and, if necessary for security reasons, a new lock.


        1. The Landlord shall retain a set of keys and any person authorised, may exercise the right of use these keys and obtain free entry to The Room at any time.


      1. Whenever the Room occupied by The Licensee is left unattended The Licensee shall securely fasten all locks and bolts fitted to doors and windows and ensure that alarms situated within The Hostel are set when it is unattended.
  • Access and use of Facilities
        1. The Licensee shall have the right to use the garden, front door, entrance hall, lounge, staircase and landings of The Hostel and use of the kitchen cooking, eating and the storage of food, and to use the lavatory, laundry room, and bathroom.
        2. The Licensee shall not carry on or permit to be carried on upon The Hostel any profession trade or business nor permit The Hostel to be used for any illegal or immoral purpose whatsoever or let or receive paying guests on The Hostel but use the same as a private residence only for the occupation of The Licensee.
        3. The Licensee shall not do or permit or suffer to be done in or upon The Hostel any act or anything which may be or become a nuisance damage disturbance or annoyance to The Landlord or to The Landlord’s other occupiers or of any adjoining or neighbouring property or which may vitiate any insurance of the Premises or the contents thereof or otherwise increase the ordinary premium thereon and The Licensee hereby covenants to repay forthwith on demand all sums paid by way of increased premium and all expenses incurred by The Landlord resulting from the breach of this obligation.
        4. The Licensee must occupy the room for a minimum of 4 days per week, failure to do so will affect one’s license to occupy the room unless pre-arranged with a member of our service
        5. The Licensee must not install space heaters as Space heaters are behind the majority of deadly home heating fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Half of those fires start because an object sitting within three feet of the heater got too hot and caught fire, but even plugging the equipment into the wrong outlet could put you in danger
        6. In line with Health and Safety, the licensee must ensure the communal areas are kept free from obstruction at all times.
  • Payment for Utilities
        1. The Licensee of a room in a shared house shall only be responsible for payment of a share of utilities to an amount of £15.40 per week as determined by the DWP.  This, however, may change depending on consumption.


        1. This charge will cover water, private heat and lighting and is paid directly to the utility company.  We do not collect payments for gas, electric or water consumption.


        1. Where you have been licensed a room in a shared house the landlord will take on the responsibility of council tax payments.  


      1. We reserve the right to disclose your name and address to any utility company where necessary.
  • Amicable Sharing
      1. The Licensee must use his/her best endeavours to share use of The Room and The Hostel amicably and peaceably with other licensees as The Landlord from time to time permits to use The Room and The Hostel and must not interfere with or otherwise obstruct such shared occupation in any way whatsoever nor cause disturbance to any neighbours.
  • Cleanliness
      1. The Licensee must keep the interior of The Room and all other shared parts of The Hostel including windows used by the Licensee including the kitchen, the lavatory and bathroom in good and clean condition and working order and shall make good any damage caused there.
  • Furniture and Furnishings
        1. The Licensee must keep the Furniture and Furnishings in good order and condition and must not remove any of them from The Room.  The Licensee must made good any damage to the Furniture and Furnishings caused by him/her and replace with articles of a similar kind and value any items broken or damages by him/her, as reasonably requested by The Landlord.


        1. The Licensee shall give to The Landlord immediate written notice of any damage or loss happening to The Room and all other shared parts of The Hostel used by the Licensee or the furniture and furnishings and effects whether by fire or otherwise and should repairs become necessary for which the Licensee does not accept liability the Licensee will notify The Landlord thereof.


        1. The Licensee shall ensure that the room is adequately ventilated at all times and prevent all problems and damage caused by mould or freezing.


        1. The Licensee must ensure the electric sockets are not overloaded at any times


      1. The Licensee must ensure the room is not overcrowded with personal furniture or furnishings for health and safety purposes
  •      Limitations
        1. The Licensee shall not keep or permit to be kept any animals, reptiles or birds in The Project.


        1. The Licensee shall not smoke in The Project.


        1. The Licensee shall not use any illegal substances within the premises


      1. The Licensee must not abuse any member of staff and or other clients
  •      Rubbish
        1. The Licensee must ensure that The Room is cleaned and that all rubbish is disposed of daily and placed in the rubbish bins provided.


      1. The Rubbish Bins must also be made available for collection on collection day as a licensee for the property you must also take responsibility for this
  •   Reasons for Ending this Licence may include but not limited to;
        1. You have broken or failed to perform any of the conditions of this license.


        1. You have failed to keep the terms and conditions in section 4.3.


        1. You or your guest cause a nuisance to, or annoy, your neighbours


        1. You smoke or use illegal drugs anywhere on the property.


        1. The misuse of alcohol resulting in any anti-social behaviour


        1. Violent and Aggressive behaviour; where you have damaged or failed to look after the furniture or equipment that has been provided for your use. Where you have violently abused a member of the team or clients and or pose a severe risk to other residents within the property


        1. You have not contributed to the reasonable consumption of utilities in your hostel resulting in antisocial behaviour. 


        1. We have offered or have assisted another agency in offering you suitable alternative accommodation and you have refused the offer.


        1. We have reviewed your situation and it has been decided that the services and facilities that the accommodation provides are no longer suitable for your needs.


        1. You have abandoned the property


      1. You can get advice from the Citizens advice Bureau or the housing ombudsman

We are duty bound to inform the Police if we suspect any illegal activity.

  •   Warnings
        1. If the Licence Agreement of Project Rules is breached in any way then you could be subject to either a Verbal or Written Warning. The action taken will be dependent on the severity of the breach


        1. You will only receive one Verbal Warning. Verbal Warnings are only issued in the first instance where it is deemed that a Written Warning need not be issued at that time, the incident was not serious enough to warrant a Written Warning.


        1. A Verbal warning is not always issued in the first instance. You could be issued a Written Warning straight away.


        1. If you receive three Written Warnings you could be issued with an eviction notice from the scheme.


        1. You will only receive one Written Warning per incident. If you breach the same rule twice you could face eviction.


        1. The level of seriousness of the breach will determine whether the Written Warning will be held on your file permanently or for a probationary period


      1. Written Warnings that are issued with a probationary period will be held on your file for three months. After this month, providing there have been no other breaches of the rules within the probationary period, the Written Warning will be removed and not referred to again unless the same breach occurs again.
  •   Determinations

The Licence may be determined:

        1. At the end of the term specified in section 1 above.  The Licensee shall inform The Landlord of his/her intention to exit in writing not less than 28 days prior to this date.


        1. By either party giving the other not less than 28 days notice in writing served at any time (i.e. A “Notice to quit”).


        1. By the Landlord if The Licensee is in breach of any condition of this agreement but without prejudice to any other remedies of The Landlord in respect of the breach;


      1. By the Landlord if the Licensee goes into liquidation or reaches arrangements with The Licensee’s creditors pursuant to Part 1 of the Insolvency act 1986 or suffer the process of execution or distraint upon the Licensees’ goods or a receiver is appointed over any of The Licensees’ assets.
  •    Vacation of the Room
        1. Upon determination of The Licence, The Licensee shall immediately cease to be entitled to use The Room and The Hostel and must vacate The Room, leaving it clean and tidy, and return the keys to The Landlord immediately.


        1. If any goods belonging to The Licensee are not removed from The Hostel immediately upon abandonment/termination of The Licence agreement, The Landlord shall dispose of any such goods without being liable to The Licensee.


        1. If the Licensee is sent to prison, the Landlord will hold the properties for no longer than 48 Hours, after which all goods will be disposed of.


        1. The Licensee shall pay to The Landlord any additional costs that shall have been incurred in the removal or disposal of the goods.


        1. In the event of dilapidations, The Licensee shall pay to The Landlord the costs to replace and/or repair any items damaged.


      1. Should the Licensee be required to pay any additional costs due to the removal of rubbish, disposal of goods in the event of dilapidations, The Licensee will pay a minimum Administration Fee of £50.
  •     Re-housing
      1. Emergency due to damage.

It may be necessary for a licensee to move out of their allocated household to allow major repair work to be carried out, possibly as a result of fire, flood or structural damage. In these circumstances Aves Housing will use its discretion to prioritise a move to a suitable alternate placement, by either placing you on our waiting list or with another licence if it is not possible to repair the existing home, or if the repairs will take an extensive period of time which will cause a serious disruption to your daily life. In the meantime, the licensee may and must source alternate accommodation. Clients who have to move because major works are required to their home where possible will have the option of moving back into their original home once the work has been completed.  We have access to a limited amount of properties, therefore, replacement is not always guaranteed, where an alternate placement is possible we will aim to meet your preference, however, this may not be possible due to availability.

      1. Project Closures

Some of our properties are leased on a long-term basis from private landlords so there may be occasions where a property may need to close due to termination of the lease by the said landlord.  We may then be able to present you with another license, however, this is not guaranteed.

Accommodation offered will be habitable and reasonable subject to availability and location.  We operates a one alternative offer accommodation only policy. If a reasonable offer is made and refused by the licensee, the licensee must then source alternative accommodation resulting in the licensee becoming ineligible for re- housing by us within a 6 month period

  •        Sharing Information with the Landlord

I give my permission for the housing benefit office to share information with The Landlord if:


        1. I have claimed Housing Benefit


        1. You have made a decision on my claim


        1. You have made a payment to me; or


        1. You need more information to make a decision on my claim, and what it is


      1. And give the Landlord free access to any communication regarding my claim including housing benefit letters.
  •      Acknowledgements
        1. This agreement embodies the entire understanding between the parties relating to The Room and The Hostel and to all the matters dealt with by any of the provisions of this agreement.


        1. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing The Licensee acknowledges that he/she has received a copy of this agreement before signing it and has had the opportunity of taking legal advice on it and has read and understood it, and acknowledges that The Room and all parts of The Hostel will be shared with other persons to whom The Landlord grants a licence and that he/she will not have exclusive possession of The room or any part of The Hostel under any circumstances.


      1. The Licensee having inspected The Room, Hostel, Furniture, and Furnishings, gas and electricity appliances declares that he finds them in good condition and working order and satisfactory.


I the Licensee accept the terms and conditions above and understand that any breach of the above may result in termination of my licensee to occupy a room at the property outlined above.